Friday, September 30, 2011

Breast Cancer: Everyone Needs A TeeTee

Who knew 28 years ago when I met Karen she would turn out to be the beautiful friend she is today?  Truth be told, I think I knew within a couple of hours of meeting her.  You see, Karen, or TeeTee, as she was dubbed by my first-born daughter who just couldn't say "auntie", is just that kind of person, the kind everyone warms to immediately.  She radiates love, comfort and humour all as a first impression.  Her personality is genuine, her laugh infectious and her hugs are real.

Over the years, we have been in and out of touch due to various circumstances, but whenever I've needed her, she's always right there, front and centre, assuring me I'm okay and life will go on.  So now that I'm in the battle for my life, here she is, standing by my side, holding my hand and laughing both with me and at me through it all.  She comes with me for my surgeon appointments and will now come with me to the oncologist, a word I think we both choke on saying out loud.  She has made it very clear that she loves me but not enough to shave her head (that's our humour) but she showed up at dinner last night with a bright pink streak on the underside of her hair and it was so her - funky, bright, cheery and oh-so-fashionable.  In the '80s, TeeTee had the biggest hair and she worked hard to get mine to stand two feet all around as well.  She's the one who encouraged me to wear nylons the colour of my belts and shoes.  The bright red really stands out as one hilarious memory.  Wow - what were we thinking?

We've worked together throughout the years and everywhere we go, we are "Karen 1" and "Karen 2".  So now that I am the one-breasted one, it just shows how competitive I am and to what lengths I will go to ensure I retain that "Karen 1" status!  I think TeeTee's right, though, it's based on "age before beauty".  I am the older one.  I also wanted to be known as giving her the best birthday present ever so I had my second baby on her 30th birthday.  It's also a great way to remember how old she turns every year.

TeeTee has the unique ability to make every friend feel they are her best friend.  She puts everyone's needs before hers, whether personal, business or fundraising for a worthy cause.  She is godmother to my children, who she vowed she would tattoo and pierce, just to make me shiver.  She is the kind of mother everyone wishes they could be; open, honest and strong.  She is a hard worker and knows how to make every penny count.
So here we go, TeeTee, another chapter of our story is being told.  No matter what happens, I know we will be together to the end of the book.  Let's raise a glass and toast to another 50 years of stories and to a very happy ending that sees us both in our rocking chairs, you with amazing grey, thin hair, and both of us wrinkled, saggy and laughing so hard we blow out our dentures!

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