Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Courage and Strength Wrapped in a Wedding Gift

While waiting to see a surgeon, who would translate my biopsy results and tell me what was happening next, I decided to keep really busy with work and social activities.  I was so excited for the upcoming wedding of my friend Nadine's son and got to help decorate the reception venue.  I had a great time on the big day.  Nothing like a beautiful bride and some of my favourite people to help focus on the happy side of life.  I laughed and said "awww" a few times through the speech Nadine gave while being heckled by her hilarious hubby, Mike, who was their son's best man.  Mike has ALS.  I kept thinking to myself I hope I am as courageous and strong as he is throughout my ordeal.  Although there is always hope for a cure for ALS, I know there actually is one for some forms of breast cancer and felt somewhat guilty about that.  Because of Mike, I have decided to love life instead of fearing death no matter what.  We all have challenges in our lives but it's how we choose to handle those challenges that shows our true colours.  Watching Mike and Nadine go through this together with the strength, love and faith they have is truly inspiring.

1 comment:

  1. Very sweet Karen...thank you. You are such a great writter!
