Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Learning to Listen to My Body

Okay, okay, so even the Energizer Bunny runs out of steam sometimes, right?  I've had to learn to pace myself lately which is not something I enjoy nor am I good at.  I have had many visitors and many treats since coming home from the hospital.  I just don't want that to end so I'd rather push myself than say no to an invitation to dinner, a movie or just to hang out over a cup of coffee or a glass of wine.  I've noticed a bit of a pattern: one day I'm full of energy and the next I need to stay in my housecoat and just rest.  Yesterday was one of the "just rest" days, I guess.  As the rain pelted down on my huge windows and the wind kept my chime busy on my deck, it wasn't so bad to lie around reading and just taking it easy.

Luckily, my friends don't mind if I cancel same-day or even last-minute and actually applaud me listening to my body.  I've had some friends say they still can't keep up with me.  I smile at that because somewhere inside I know it's actually true!  There's just so much living to do.  I've said it all along and I really feel that I don't fear dying but prefer to love living.  Life has its ups and downs and challenges for all of us but in the end I have to believe everything happens for a reason and everything works out the way it's supposed to.  Some say this is fate or karma but however you look at it, it's whatever inner strength you can muster that will carry you through the darkest of times.

I have decided that when I'm over this blip in my life called breast cancer, I would like to help women going through this alone because if it weren't for the amazing and endless support I have, I'm not sure how I'd cope.  I think there may be women out there facing this alone without family or friends, or who don't have support nearby, and I'm thinking my circle of friends and I could become support for others - strangers who may join our circle.  This will be my way to extend a hand, express my gratitude and pay it forward.

So I guess I'm not just listening to my body but to my heart as well.  And I guess I accomplished something yesterday after all!  Going to rest now - look out today, here I come!

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