Wednesday, September 28, 2011

We're Famous!

My friend, Lori, and I are in the local paper!  It's a great story and a nice picture, although she complained the photo of her wasn't as good as the one of me.  Of course I completely disagree with her.  Lori is a cancer survivor and I consider myself "pending".  She has been key to me keeping my positive attitude because she's walked in my shoes and come out the other side healthy, which brings me hope.  I wear her healing stone every day.  She also has an awesome laugh, the kind that makes you laugh as well because it's from the belly and is just so infectious.   We have shared many laughs over the years and now she calls me just about every day to chat ("hello, my friend") and see how I'm doing.  I think the only difference between us is she prefers white wine to my red.  She has introduced me to some amazing women and we all have become friends and now they are all doing the walk on Sunday for Team K3.  Even Sharon, who is in a different city on Sunday, is doing the walk in that town with the Team K3 t-shirt on in support.  We are so excited to make the paper and are looking forward to being hounded for autographs!

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