Thursday, September 29, 2011

Lucy and Ethel

I have an I Love Lucy tin sign hanging in my entryway.  It reads "Friends" and then offers the definitions, "people who like each other and/or are helpful to one another", "Lucy and Ethel", and "supporters or sympathizers".  My friend, Sabrina aka Ethel, gave this wall hanging to me, as it represents the two of us.  Through thick and thin, ups and downs, happy days and ones filled with sorrow, we are friends in every sense of the word.  More like sisters really.  Her girls call me "Mom 2" and on really good days I even trump her for top spot!  Her husband has been gracious and supportive through my many trials and tribulations.  I guess he would be "Fred" to her Ethel.  We have had lots of fun together and many laughs.  She is my "garden fairy", always in charge of my plantings, whether in my former home's garden or on my current deck.  She is beautiful inside and out, warm, sweet, kind-hearted, generous, loving, curious ("Detective D") and a super fun person.  We can tell each other's moods and thoughts without speaking and a hug from her can make everything feel better.  We can cry buckets together and literally pee our pants laughing.  We have shared more than a bottle or two of wine and love to plan new adventures together.

Ethel is also the photographer of my chest, "before and after", helping me chronicle my journey in pictures.  It takes a very special person to be able to do this without being freaked out.  While I don't wish to have cancer or have had to go through the surgery that has permanently altered my "front view", I have always tried to look for the positive in every situation.  Just when I didn't think my friendships could be any better or stronger, I now realize they have gone to a whole different level, not only with Sabrina, but with all my many wonderful friends.  I have learned to be more empathetic, sympathetic and to truly understand the meaning of "not sweating the small stuff".

Every time I leave home, I see the sign, smile and know that Lucy and Ethel will always be great friends.  And it makes me smile even on the hardest of days.  I know I have to fight to win this battle for her because, as she put it, with tears flowing down her beautiful face when I was first diagnosed, "There is no Ethel without Lucy."

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