Thursday, September 22, 2011

Before and After

Life is now defined as "before my diagnosis" and "after my diagnosis".  I think we've all defined turning points in our lives this way.  So...before my diagnosis, my friend, Audrey, and I had been working on a fundraiser for Nadine and Mike, the comedian with ALS.    Then...after my diagnosis, when I was told my surgery date, I was very happy it was scheduled for after this important occasion so I wouldn't have to miss it!  We had a barbecue with friends and raised some money to help them cope financially so they could just spend their time with each other and not worry about money.  It was a big success and a wonderful day.  I was thrilled to see the outpouring of support.  There were beautiful raffle baskets (created and generously donated by Adele), string bracelets made by beautiful girls (I bought the one called "laugh"), a piñata (courtesy of my parents) and water balloon fight.  I'm pretty sure I got just as wet as most of the girls - it was a blast!  Delicious food was devoured and lots of laughs and hugs were shared.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks again to you and Audrey for an amazing amazing day...amazing friends!
