Monday, October 03, 2011

Breast Cancer: The Pinkest Team!

October 2nd.  One month to the day...left breast removed.  One month to gather a team...of about 30 friends.  One month to raise funds to help find a cure...over $5,000.  One month to shop for "pink" and get excited...determined to be the Pinkest Team.  All added up to one weekend of laughter, love and inspiration.

The night before the walk, ten of my Team K3 teammates stayed overnight in a hotel downtown.  Tracey and I were roommates and decided next time I should probably paint bright pink fingernails before consuming wine!  We all dined and laughed.  We drank wine and laughed.  Then we sat around the hotel room in our pyjamas and laughed some more.  We were all excited about the event.  I didn't sleep well - so much to think about.  It was, after all, CIBC Run for the Cure Eve.

We woke up, dressed in all our pink regalia, and after taking 15 minutes to walk to the starting line which was only five minutes away (why do my friends continue to insist on counting on me for directions?), we arrived on-site.  We were immediately approached by Tamara Taggart from CTV News and interviewed for a 30-second commercial spot.  Before the camera started filming, she asked me about my "story" and gave me a hug.  She's very sweet and genuine.  And gorgeous!  She has the best skin I think I've ever seen.  It took two takes to get our 30 seconds perfected and then she moved on.  There were other interviews with "event" people and lots of photographs taken.  In fact, throughout the day, people were asking if they could take their pictures with our group.  My friend, Lori, was in her glory.  We were true celebrities with the flashing cameras and no time to sign autographs.

We eventually lined up for the walk, sung the national anthem and warmed up.  Then we wandered through the crowds and found inspiration everywhere.

There was a young woman wearing a t-shirt that read, "These are fake but my real ones tried killing me".  She was 26 years old, not much older than my oldest daughter.  That really upset me.  She had to undergo a double mastectomy, had reconstructed "very perky" breasts and had recovered all her hair.  I hugged her and thanked her for sharing her story.

There was a woman about my age who had her upper body completely painted in names.  I asked her what that represented and she said all the sponsors who helped her to be the biggest fundraiser at the event.  She said she had been cancer-free for two years.  She was with a group called "ETC", Exercise Through Chemotherapy, a program our own K3 team member, Pattie (that's Pattie with an i-e), participated in and benefited from.   I thanked them all for sharing their stories.

I ran into the friends we'd made on our Whistler "Boobapalooza" weekend.  We hugged and shared a laugh or two.  I told Shaunna that she looked beautiful and she said I did, too.  We are both still battling and we are both determined to win the fight!

There was an archway of balloons marking the start line.  It was all beautifully decorated and laid out.  There were bands and even cheerleaders lining the streets of the city to entertain us along the way.  The volunteers obviously worked very hard to make this special for us all.  Leanne, the team captain, carried the team sign, constructed with a hockey stick, the whole five kilometres.  She had pinned to the back of her shirt an "in memory" sign for her girlfriend who lost her fight far too young.  I didn't know her friend but I share the grief of her passing, for the loss her children have suffered every day and for the loss Leanne continues to feel.

There was a lot of pink on our team and at the end of the walk when awards were presented, my new BBF (haha - Lori), Tamara, called out "Team K3!" and we all ran up onto the stage as though we'd won an Oscar.  We were given home-baked treats and thanked for our pink spirit.  We all signed the Pink Tour bus in honour of a woman who volunteered tirelessly for the cause but lost her life, ironically, to ovarian cancer.

A group of us went for lunch after to debrief, relax and raise a toast to the successful journey we'd all experienced together.  I was lovingly dubbed "Aunt Tittiekaka" by the beautiful Taylor (TeeTee's daughter).  I wish I had more adjectives in my vocabulary to express the rawest of emotions.  I am flattered, humbled, touched and grateful for the love, support and comfort my friends bring me each and every day - and especially yesterday.

We headed home, exhausted but elated, and Facebook lit up with pictures and comments.  My email inbox was flooded.  The email that touched me most was from my cousin, Liane, who said sharing my story in such a positive way to help others would have made my Gram proud.

Then came the six o'clock news.  We are famous!  We are celebrities!  My phone was ringing with much laughter and hollering.  I think Patty, the Cancer Cure Fairy, was the most popular TV personality, as she made the Global news as well, with her wand, wings, funky glasses and huge smile!

It was a weekend to remember...forever.  Team K3 rocked!  Wow, imagine what we can accomplish with a year to plan for the next one!  <3

26-year-old Survivor!

Painted Lady

Pattie with Bif Naked (ETC)


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