Friday, October 07, 2011

Almost the Same Name - Erin is Karen Without a K

Have you ever known someone who cares so much about everybody that you're just drawn to their light?  Erin is one of those people in my life.  She works tirelessly at being everything to everyone and cherishes her family and friends the way we all should.  She is the oldest of three children and is the first to admit she's made mistakes as a big sister along the way.  If everyone could admit their shortcomings with as much honesty as she does, the world would be a much happier, more peaceful place.  Erin is smart, strong and thoughtful.  She is studying to be a teacher and will guide and inspire our youth.  Teaching is the perfect profession for her talents.  She is also a fitness instructor who exhausts her followers and pushes them to their physical limits.  I know; I've attended her classes and I literally panic to try to keep up.  Erin loves to bake.  She bakes the best cookies and she hosts baking parties as a celebration of friendship.  She absolutely loves life and makes the most of every minute of every day.

Now Erin is faced with the challenge of her dad having ALS.  I remember with clarity the night she called and told me the news.  I'm not speechless often but that struck me hard; I had no words.  My heart sunk for her.  My mind reeled at the news.  It was one of those times, like when JFK was shot or Princess Diana died, that I'll always remember where I was and how I felt.  It's very sweet when I see Erin and her dad together and she is lovingly massaging his arm or adjusting a cushion for him.  She declares publicly that her dad is her best friend and her hero.  There are many photographs of them together, whether crossing the finishing line of a race or displaying their Halloween loot.  They have epic stories about their techniques for trick-or-treating.

Erin also says her mom is her best friend, showing how close she is to each of her parents.  She learned her amazing talent as a fitness instructor from her mom and people seek her out to sweat as a result.  She adores her brother, "NayNay", and is fiercely proud and protective of her sister, Madison.  Erin is at every family get-together and never misses an opportunity to express her love and gratitude towards her family and friends.
As for my relationship with Erin, she makes me feel like I can stay strong when I feel weak, smile when I want to cry and she gives me hope for a future filled with happiness.  To summarize, what I know about Erin is she loves life, she loves her family and friends, she loves Zenberry and Captain Crunch.  And since she considers me family and a friend, I know she loves me.  That makes me smile every day no matter what life throws my way.

Erin, Mom Nadine, NayNay, Madison, Dad Mike

Erin, Nadine and Mike

Made by Madison

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