Sunday, October 23, 2011

My New 'Do

I kept hearing from other cancer patients who had lost their hair that it's better to have short hair when the inevitable occurs.  I had the mindset that I would keep my longish fake blonde hair as long as possible.  I changed my mind and realized how creepy that could be.  I contacted my lovely friend/hairdresser, Michelle, and told her she could have total power over my hair, could do whatever she wanted, whatever style or colour, since it was going to fall out anyway.  I went from pretending to be blonde to my what-would-be natural hair colour if I weren't so grey - brown!  And super short and sassy.  I was really thinking she might go with hot pink.

She started by cutting off my ponytail.  For some reason, Patty wanted that ponytail.  I'm wondering if she'll sell it on Ebay saying it belonged to a movie star or something.  She assures me it's to glue to a hat.  Kinda sick but each to her own, right?

With ponytail in Ziploc bag, it was time to get to work.  Michelle hacked, chopped, cut, "texturized", washed, conditioned, moussed, tousled, sprayed and dried my new 'do.  Wow, what a difference!

We had fun attempting to take self-photos together.  You can see the results below!  Thanks, Michele, for always taking care of my hair, my heart and making me laugh.  We always seem to laugh, cry and hug.  If you ever change your mind and don't want to do hair anymore (which would devastate an entire community), you could definitely be a counsellor.  You are tender, kind, funny, sweet and wise beyond your years, my friend.  Your next appointment with me will be for a head shaving.  Ready for that?  Deep breath.
Now, if I could just stop jumping when I pass a mirror thinking there's a stranger in my place!


Goodbye to a ponytail

More cutting after dye applied

The New 'Do!

Beautiful Michelle and me

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