Tuesday, October 11, 2011

So Very Thankful

As I reflect over my life, through its incredible ups and tragically painful downs, through the laughter and the tears, through the dreams and the nightmares, through the happy memories and sad realities, I still refuse to take the "cup is half empty" approach.

Keeping with Thanksgiving tradition, I will state what I am very thankful for.  Mine have always the mushiest of things.  I guess some things never change.  I am thankful for all my family and friends.  I used to say I'm thankful for my health but that one's a little iffy this year.  Even with cancer, I'm thankful I didn't have to lose a leg, as I love to walk, run and climb, or an arm, as I love to hug.  My breast has served its true purpose, to nurture new lives.  I am eternally thankful for the support I receive every day to maintain my energy levels and the uplifting words giving me encouragement to continue to fight.  I am thankful my beautiful children are healthy and hope they never have to go down this scary path.  I am grateful to have loved my Gram and my Auntie Ree and the lovely memories I have of my time with them.

I am thankful Ethel cares enough to tell me she's scared for me and will wear her pink hat with a pink veil in support, even in her own home.  I am thankful TeeTee cares enough to get teary about my situation but agrees to laugh with me most of the time instead to cope.  I am thankful Nadine feeds my soul and keeps my "spirit" high.  I am thankful Tracey continues to share her life with me, knowing that once I get over this "lump in the road" (thanks Taylor) we won't have any catching up to do.  I am thankful to Lori for the walks, talks, "hello my friends" and healing stone.  I am thankful for Thalia who I've known since high school and who always makes sure I see enough movies. I am thankful to Holly for making sure my freezer remains full of homemade goodies and for the "dirty laundry".  I am thankful to Audrey who keeps me close.  And for Nanci, who will drive an hour to spend an hour with me and who keeps me "breathing". I have so many friends to thank so to the rest of you, I will simply say thank you for your concern, love, support, laughter and tears.  You all mean the world to me.
I am thankful for all the well wishes I'm receiving today in anticipation of the "scary" appointment with the oncologist tomorrow.  Stay tuned...when I know, you will know as well.  And we'll face what will come together.  Forever and always.

Me with Holly

Top Row:  Tracey and Ethel
Bottom Row:  TeeTee, me and Thalia

Lori and me

Nadine, me and Audrey

Ethel, me and Tracey

Me and Nanci

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