Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Giving "Hands-On" a Whole New Meaning

At my mastectomy follow-up appointment, my obviously skilled surgeon assured me everything was healing "normally".  I said since it's my first time losing a breast, I'm not sure what "normal" is but I knew that was good news.  I commented to him that I find it funny that he had me in his hands, naked on the operating table for a couple hours, and now he excuses himself from the exam room while I undress "from the waist up and lay under the sheet".  I said we could probably lose the formalities next time.  He said something about modesty.  He must be referring to his other patients.  My modesty was left on the hospital doorstep.  He went on to tell me this would be "a bit uncomfortable" and proceeded to dig his four fingers into my right armpit and then my left.  He must have forgotten he removed lymph nodes and that that would hurt.  Then he checked my breast for abnormalities and then my surgical site, again, in a rather firm and invasive manner.  He apologized as I winced not so much in pain but from the nauseas feeling that overcame me.  It's numb across the centre where the incision line is from where he severed my nerves.  It's tender around the outside from, well, I guess the surgery itself and it's just overall not a nice feeling.  When he finished, I said in my usual way, in a rather loud voice, "Shouldn't I at least get dinner first?"  We both burst out laughing, he told me to re-dress (in his absence again) and then to join him and TeeTee in his adjoining office for a discussion.  He confirmed what the oncologist had told me and agreed I should get a flu shot, have my dental cleaning taken care of and basically prepare to go to war against my own body.  I love his truthfulness, frankness and honesty but I think he could definitely improve his hands-on techniques!  He asked me to return in the new year when I feel up to it just so he can keep abreast of my situation.  Pun intended.

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