Friday, October 21, 2011

Support Comes in All Ages and Colours

About a year ago, I had the opportunity to house, kid and dog sit for friends while they were away.  Aside from enjoying their beautiful home and adorable chocolate lab, Cariboo (yes, he slept in my bed with me), I had the chance to really get to know their children, Nico and Sam.  We bonded through laughter, food and reality TV shows I'd never heard of.  We also watched the movie, "The Runaways", which has converted Sam into a young Joan Jett.  Joan has nothing on Sam, though.  What a great girl.  She's funny, quirky, loyal and loving.  I've cheered for Sam at soccer and hockey games.  When she scores goals, she really celebrates and says they're for me!  All it took to be Nico's buddy was a very hot-and-spicy curried chicken dish.  Gotta love teenage boys - it's all about the food!

Little did I know what amazing friends this whole family would become.  I've enjoyed time at their lake getaway and Holly has made sure to bring me delicious weekly treats since my diagnosis.  I think she may be trying to get bootcamp business by contributing to my expanding hips.  Craig gives "real" hugs and speaks kind words mixed with witty sarcasm.  Even when they were away at a winery, they thought of me and surprised me with a "Dirty Laundry" pink bra charm on a bracelet.  Uplifting and very appropriate!

When they were all here one day to lift my spirits (and bring more food), Nico was wearing the "I Heart Boobies" plastic bracelets up one arm.  Sam had given me a hot pink one so I knew what they were about.  I assumed he was wearing them because, being a guy in Grade 11, he simply loved boobies but he assured me it was to support me.   I was so moved at that.  He said everybody at his high school knows I have cancer.  It saddened me to think these kids should have to think about something so serious but I guess that's just part of life.

Last week, Holly told me to go to the hair studio across the street to see Nico get his hair buzzed in my honour.  I thought he would shave his head bald but instead he chose a Mohawk down the middle with a cancer ribbon on the right side and my initials on the left side.  Then he had them dye it all pink!  When the hair salon owner realized it was me he was supporting, she got teary with me.  I was hoping his football teammates wouldn't tease him and he assured me they wouldn't.  I told him if I'd had a son I'd want him to be just like him.  He's a stand-up young man.

Young and old, pink or otherwise, the support is coming from everywhere.  And I so appreciate it all.  More than words can ever express.

Nico and me at the lake

Holly, me, Sam and Sam's friend at the lake

Me and Holly

Craig and me


Jacquie, Nico with his new pink 'do, Patty and Lori (Team K3 T-Shirts)

Nico displaying my initials in his hair!

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