Tuesday, October 25, 2011

C'mon Boys, Take Off Your Shirts - Mama Wants a Picture!

TeeTee, her husband, Boy Wonder, Christine, "other Karen", her daughter, Liana, and I all spent the day together.  We met at the pub to take a bus to the Canucks' afternoon game.  I enjoyed a coffee with Bailey's at 11:30 a.m.  Someone did confirm it was five o'clock somewhere.  Just like a school field trip, the bus ride was half the fun.  We laughed and laughed all the way to downtown Vancouver.

The game was great.  A little slow in the first period but then it went into overtime and we won!  During the game, we noticed a group of young men below us who were trying desperately to get on the Jumbotron.  They took off their shirts to expose their bellies painted with the letters spelling out C-A-N-U-C-K-S.  They didn't make the Jumbotron but I thought this would be a great picture for my blog.  TeeTee came as the photographer and I yelled above the crowd noise at them, "C'mon boys, take off your shirts, Mama wants a picture!"  And they did!  They were great sports about it and so that made it blog-worthy.
It was so nice to spend a day without doctor's appointments or needles involved.  Laughter is definitely the best medicine.

Boy Wonder, Karen, Christine, Liana and me

Me and The Painted Boys

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