Monday, November 07, 2011

The Kindness of Strangers

We always seem to be awash in negativity through the media, the news of the world and how cruel mankind can be to one another.  Of course, there are the bright spots that give us all hope and strength to believe there is a better tomorrow and that we can all improve on our humanity, individually and collectively, that through simple acts of kindness we can all live a happier, more content life.

My friend, Lori (see blog, This is Great!  Life is Good!) , hosted a "Pinkness in Pitt Party" to lift my spirits.  So many great friends came and did just that!  While I will definitely provide further blogs on the party itself, I'd like to dedicate this blog to the kindness of strangers.

It became apparent that there was a bit of a theme to the party and that was toques, scarves, socks, anything to keep me warm and comfy (and very stylish) during the winter months while I'm bald and undergoing chemotherapy treatments.

One toque came from a woman who is a total stranger.  Her name is Joann and she is friends with my friend, Gail.  I was presented with a gift bag, along with a card of well wishes from Joann, who spotted a lovely toque on the ferry and thought I would like it.  This struck me as just so sweet.  Even strangers are reaching out to support me.

Bev's mom, Margaret, is a cancer survivor and made me an exquisite scarf.  It's very unique and all my friends would like one!  Her mom said it was "from one survivor to another".  That touched me.

There is a singer in Kelowna named Gorden James, who is a friend of my friend, Sheilah.  He sent her his CD titled "Heart of the Matter" to pass on to me.   I've spent the morning listening to it and it is very uplifting and soothing music and the words are very meaningful.  He inscribed the CD with the words, "Karen, be strong and even strangers are praying for you."

Today, I was given a beautiful blanket handmade by a thoughtful woman in Texas.  Her name is Maxine.  I don't know her, have never met her and here she is thinking of me, praying for me and taking the time to make a cozy cover for my comfort during my chemotherapy.  It is beautiful and one of the softest things I've ever felt.
These gestures mean so much at this difficult and challenging time.  I will be forever grateful for the love and support of my many friends and family, as well as the kindness of complete strangers who have reached out in a successful attempt to make my world happier and more content.

Holding the CD over my heart - thanks Gorden!

Snuggled in the softest blanket ever - thanks, Maxine!

1 comment:

  1. Karen, I've been following your blog every day and my thoughts are always with you. They say attitude plays a huge role in this journey, and speaking from experience, that's true. I'm with you every step of the way.
