Thursday, November 10, 2011

Happy Dance Day!

Today was the day I've been nervous about.  Well, surprisingly not as nervous as the day I went for my port insertion surgery.  Somehow being stuck with more needles and cut open again to install the port and a tube that runs to my carotid artery freaked me out more than the news I may have cancer in other parts of my body!

I underwent a CT scan of my abdomen and a head-to-toe bone scan.  Lori drove me to the appointment and we met TeeTee there.  The three of us tried to convince the nurse to supply us with wine, Ativan or champagne and orange juice.  While she said she couldn't do that, she laughed with us and thought it was a great idea!  So with our usual good humour, we waited for the oncologist to bring us the news.  He confirmed my tests were negative for spread and that they would just keep an eye on my liver, which seems pretty common for my type of cancer.  Whew - what a huge relief!

We all just refer to breast cancer as "breast cancer".  I decided I wanted to know what the formal name of my form of breast cancer is and had asked a couple of weeks ago.  I have what's commonly known as "triple negative breast cancer".  It's scientifically known as "ER-negative, PR-negative, her-2/neu-negative, Grade 3, Stage 2 carcinoma breast".  While getting negative test results today is a good thing, apparently triple negative breast cancer is not.  How confusing this all has become.  All I know is, for today, for now, all is as good as can be expected.  The three of us shared high-fives and Lori exclaimed, "This is great!  Life is good!" and TeeTee admitted this was definitely a happy dance day!

Next is chemotherapy, which starts on Tuesday.  I was handed three prescriptions to fill for nausea medication.  The doctor said one may constipate me, one may make sleep impossible and the other is a back-up in case the first two don't work well enough.  For someone who doesn't take Tylenol, this is mind-boggling.  As I've said all along, however, every day done and every treatment behind me is a day closer to recovery so I say, bring it, and let's get 'er done!

Going to happy dance now...will you join me?

1 comment:

  1. Wow Karen, just catching up through your blog! You are an amazing woman! The amount of support you are receiving is just a testimony of how many lives you have touched, you are truly an inspriation!
