Sunday, November 10, 2013

Reality Check...Mixed with Some Girl Time

Talk about returning to reality.  I had three messages: one from the hospital setting an MRI, one from the surgeon's office arranging an appointment, one from my oncologist's office to do a once-over, one appointment per day for the first three days back.

I went to VGH for the MRI and early the next morning went to see the surgeon, Dr. Clarkson, who is the only one in all of B.C. who deals with "cancers of the knee", a pretty specific area.  After meeting with the surgeon, it was determined I would need a needle biopsy and he would schedule it for as soon as possible.  He said once it's determined to be benign or malignant (choke), they will know which surgeon to send me to so it can be removed.  My oncologist suggested that the good breast should come off sooner rather than later so about a month after my knee surgery, I'll deal with the mastectomy.

Susie and I went to Seattle overnight to send Carrisa on an early-morning flight to see Tyler, which created an opportunity for some fun. After seeing Carrisa off at the airport, Susie and I shopped our way north, stopping for lunch and dinner on the way.  It was a long day filled with so much fun!

Susie stayed the night and took me to the needle biopsy at VGH and it was the single most painful thing I've endured to date.  I screamed and cried and when they said they needed another sample, I screamed and cried some more.  I thought I was going to pass out from the pain but I hung on.  Once it was over, my lower leg was completely numb and I was so dizzy from the drugs that I had to be pushed in a wheelchair to the car.  I came home, ate a White Spot Triple-O and milkshake, which is what I was craving.  Susie told me this is because I'm a true Canadian girl!  With a full tummy, I passed out and slept for a few hours.  I apologize to any of you I may have telephoned while stoned - no memory whatsoever so I hope it was coherent or at least good for a laugh.  It was a rough night but I am taking it easy this weekend.  In about a week's time, I should get the biopsy results (please be benign) and then the appropriate surgery will be scheduled as soon as possible.

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