Sunday, November 10, 2013

A New Tumour? Uh-oh.

Sure it was a Baker's cyst, I reported the lump on the back of my knee to my GP and he sent me for an ultrasound.  Talk about déjà vu.  The technician indicated she would bring in the radiologist and I told her, "I'm outta here.  The last time that happened it was to tell me I had a tumour and it was malignant."  She said, "Don't worry.  I'll be right back."  I started to cry.  I didn't cry the first time, as I knew in my heart it was cancer, but this really upset me.  The radiologist had a look at the screen and said, "I'm so sorry but it is a tumour."  I choked back my anguish and said, "That's a word I never wanted to hear again."  She assured me she's almost positive it's benign by the look and shape but the size is a worry, as it's 2.5 centimetres already.  She showed me the image and indicated it's inside the sciatic nerve itself and that's why I'm feeling it in my hamstring.  I left and went to my parents' place and bawled.  I really lost it.  I guess it was time.
I was contacted by a specialist the next day who said he really thinks it's benign and is called a schwannoma.  These are benign 99% of the time.  I told him my luck hasn't been so great with diagnoses in the past so I hope I'm not that 1%.  My biggest concern isn't so much that it's cancer because I truly don't believe it is, rather that my mobility may be impaired by surgery.  I will have to be cut through the leg and through the nerve to have the tumour removed in its entirety.
I don't need my breasts anymore, although I was quite fond of them, but I sure need my legs.  I was assured I couldn't injure my leg or nerve nor spread the tumour so I continued with my running.

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