Monday, February 06, 2012

Finally...some brief relief

I have started my second round of drugs called Docetaxel, which, unlike the previous round of drugs, does not cause nausea and I no longer smell dead people.  Instead, this drug provides side effects related to nerve pain.  For about four or five days of the first dose I experienced pain in my low back.  It felt as if I could crack my back it would feel better but of course no cracking occurred.  Then there were shooting pains down my legs into the tips of my toes that eventually made it feel as though I were walking on bruises and broken glass.  I knew I should have learned to walk on my hands when I had the chance.
The past two days I've had enough relief that I was able to go for a couple of walks, meet Lori for coffee (and sinful red velvet loaf with icing), as well as to run some errands with Ethel.  It was so nice to get out.  The furthest I'd managed before was my deck for tea.  Not quite the same thing.

The other side effect of this drug is that a lot of food does not taste the way it's supposed to.  For instance, popcorn tasted like paper - what a disappointment that was!  The past few days things have tasted so good I think I've gained ten pounds.  Fitness will definitely be a priority when this is done.

I went for my blood work this morning and it was confirmed my counts were high enough to undergo my next round of chemotherapy tomorrow.  Then I start the every-other-day stomach injections and the gross coated mouth and nerve pain will start all over again.  The oncologist and TeeTee tried to get me to agree to taking more drugs for the pain but I've decided to try to cope on my own as I just feel overdosed on drugs and would rather not take any more.  If the pain becomes too intense, of course, I'll soften my decision.

After the oncologist's appointment, TeeTee and I met the wonderful (and not-so-bald) Taylor and beautiful Susie for breakfast.  We laughed a lot and really enjoyed being together.

I feel so blessed to have the friends I do who are willing to help me through each day.  From those who just check in regularly through emails and phone calls, to those who visit and bring food and other necessities, to those who help clean my place when I just can't, to those who hold my hand through each appointment so I'm never alone, to those who are actually willing to inject my stomach so I don't have to risk getting germs from a clinic, I'm not sure "thank you" is enough but I couldn't do it without you.  Today, my dear friend, Susie, gave me some of her artwork which is absolutely incredibly beautiful.  I will hang one picture in my bedroom so it's the first thing I see when I awake in the morning.  I will post a photo of them once I figure out how to take a picture with my phone camera and transfer to my computer.  Chemo brain is challenging!

Next week I have an appointment with a radiology oncologist to see if I would benefit from radiation therapy.  I try not to look too far ahead as it can be very overwhelming.  One day at a time is best.  And with all your love and support I will make it through.